Family Lawyers in New Orleans and Covington, Louisiana
When problems arise involving family matters, troubled family members need not have to “go it alone”.
The attorneys, their associate lawyers, and staff of Delise & Hall have the legal experience and the genuine desire to guide family members through difficult times.
Whether those in need are the husbands, wives, fathers, mothers or grandparents the Family Consultants at Delise and Hall pride themselves in taking care of each of their client’s legal needs by providing realistic solutions to difficult issues.
All family legal matters require sensitivity and caring. The attorneys of Delise and Hall focus on the needs of their clients. While a calm approach to all such matters is needed when a more aggressive tact is required, the attorneys of Delise and Hall provide a professional zeal to protect the legal rights of their clients.
Delise and Hall, its attorneys and staff, look forward to advising and representing anyone in need for any of the following issues and services:
Domestic Relations
Alternative Reproduction Rights
Divorce and Legal Separation
Legal Separation
Dissolution of Marriage/Domestic partnership
Community Property distribution
Spousal support
Child custody and support
Paternity Proceedings
Modification/enforcement of child support/spousal support
Visitation rights
Out of state divorce enforcement issues
Post judgment remedies
Estate Planning, End of Life Matters and Successions
Standard Wills
Powers of Attorney for Property & Personal Care
Estate Administration & Probate Law
Family Trusts
Succession Plans
Advice for executors, trustees, attorneys, guardians and beneficiaries
Drafting of living wills and advanced medical directives
Estate Litigation